The LAMB Shenanigans
Check out the latest episode of the LAMBcast, where I drop in to ramble about upcoming fall flicks and my love for Breaking Bad!
Also, the next installment of #LAMBWatch is this Sunday at 4:00 EST! Tune in to watch the cinematic mindfuck that is Upstream Color and tweet along. If you’re unfamiliar with #LAMBWatch, you can read about the last installment right here. Don’t forget, one random participant will win a prize!
French Toast Sunday
I’m stoked to announce that I’m now a contributing writer for French Toast Sunday! Keep an eye out for my first posts this month.
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We’ve got a ton of October awesomeness on the way! New installments of Unseen Halloween! New horror reviews! Horror scenes every Friday! It’s gonna be amazing!
They are leaving it pretty late to call me about the Doctor part.
— edgarwright (@edgarwright) August 2, 2013
I like Peter Capaldi, but this would have been awesome too.
Tip to make everyday activities more exciting: listen to Bernard Hermann's score for NORTH BY NORTHWEST.
— Andy (@AndyJames_ink) August 4, 2013
He's right. Just try it. Here, try it right now.
American Werewolf in London is a brilliant, classic film. From the effects to the soundtrack it's incredible. It holds up so well. #horror
— The Sexy Armpit (@sexyarmpit) August 6, 2013
You can't argue with Jay, it's just not possible on this.
Harry and the Hendersons is on. Suddenly nothing I had planned for tonight seems as important as this.
— Hummingbird Heart ♥ (@Tiff0728) August 10, 2013
Nothing is as important as Harry and the Hendersons, ever.
If I can get that Evil Dead bikini made with some damn good support cups, it's a-mine.
— Camie (@silvershamrockd) August 12, 2013
No context needed. Oh, you do need some? Here.
With all this thunder & lightning I feel like I should be up in Mikey's attic looking at rejects from the history of Astoria.
— The Sexy Armpit (@sexyarmpit) August 22, 2013
Everyone should have an attic like Mikey.
I'm just an angry Lieutenant Dan on the inside.
— Hummingbird Heart ♥ (@Tiff0728) August 23, 2013
Lt. Daaaan, ice creeamm.
Why is there not a documentary TV show that puts Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart together on holiday for weeks and just films them? #gold
— Man, I Love Films (@manilovefilms) September 20, 2013
Let's get a kickstarter going for this.
A Haunted House That You Walk Through Naked? via @GeekTyrant
— GeekTyrant (@GeekTyrant) September 23, 2013
Would any of you do this???
happy halloween!!! too soon? i'm excited #horrormoviemarathon
— Candice Frederick (@ReelTalker) October 1, 2013
It's never too soon. Happy October!!!
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