First up in this slightly horror skewed Batch is word from Total Film via The Wrap that Sam Rockwell may want to star in the Poltergeist remake because he’d like to work with Sam Raimi and he’s Sam Rockwell and he can date your whole family if he wanted to. That sounds fantastic! Sorry, Rosemarie Dewitt. It’s cool that you’re in the film and all but, you only had my curiosity. Sam Rockwell has my attention.

Are you up for the Poltergeist remake? How do you feel about Rockwell's interest?
The Conjuring Sequel
So now let’s talk about The Conjuring sequel. According to JoBlo via Ain’t It Cool it seems as if a potential plot has leaked out. And it’s not the Amityville case??? Why would you even tease it then? It’s like if The Dark Knight had been about anything else other than The Joker. Why would you tease something at the end of one film and not deal with it in the sequel? Oh well. Maybe they’ll continue to tease the Amityville case throughout this sequel and the threequel will address it finally?
What do you think? Are you happy the sequel will be avoiding Amityville territory?
Breaking Bad Premiere at Sun-Ray Cinema
In movie event/escapism news, Sun-Ray Cinema is showing the Breaking Bad premiere this Sunday at 9:00 p.m. for free, complete with “blue meth” candy! If they served up some fried chicken Los Pollos Hermanos style I’d be in. It looks like they’ll be playing the rest of the season on a weekly basis as well.
Are you tuning into Breaking Bad on Sunday?
New Thor 2 Trailer
And finally, via JoBlo, feast your eyes on the new Thor: The Dark World trailer!
How the hell is Natalie Portman’s character able to slap Loki with so much force? Is she secretly a superhero herself???
What do you think of the new trailer? Personally I was a little underwhelmed.
Now this is how you do Thor (via Geek Tyrant and Machinima. Also...sarcasm):
We had a TARDIS in the studio tonight and it was amazing.
— Ruth (@RuthElizabeth_R) July 12, 2013
I'm not positive what Ruth meant by that but it sounded cool.
Lindsay just explained the Pixar universe theory over dinner with the gusto, speed, and sharpness of a Sorkin-scripted character.
— Jessica M. (@jess_fts) July 13, 2013
I'm sorry I missed Lindsay from French Toast Sunday explaining the Pixar Theory. Next time, Vine that shit!
I think Big Trouble in Little China never getting a sequel is one of the great cinematic tragedies of the last 30 years.
— George Bell (@CallMeSirPhobos) July 25, 2013
I agree. Never forget.
I'll admit it. I'm not sure I'm man enough to watch #Gravity.
— CT (from Nerd Lunch) (@nerdlunch) July 25, 2013
I don't blame CT.
I haven't watched What About Bob? in over a year and that's not okay. Please shame me.
— 20 SA - Mike (@20SomeAwesome) August 2, 2013
There's still time to shame Mike for neglecting What About Bob?
Hahaha, guys, I meant this!