Unfortunately for most of us, the older we get the less we have to look forward to. Now before you go gettin' all depressed on me, let me explain. You know when you were a kid and every little thing was a big deal? Things like summer vacations, sleepovers, county fairs, birthdays, friends’ birthdays, the tooth fairy, dressing up for Halloween, going Easter egg hunting and of course Santa. Well for some reason, one by one, all of those "big deal" things start to lose their luster. Chalk it up to adult responsibilities, growing out of it or maybe just pure cynicism.
That’s why Tuesday, (I should actually refer to it as I officially call it, New Music Tuesday), is so very important. For me, every Tuesday is like Christmas Day morning. Like a little kid, I’m fidgety, anxious and have a hard time concentrating on anything else. So when the work whistle blows, (do whistles still blow?), I rush home to my computer so I can sit down and listen to what's new. Ok I confess, like when I was a kid, sometimes I do take a Christmas Eve peek. Occasionally, I check my phone at 1:00 am after getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Hey come on, cut me a little slack, at least I don’t do it at the same time, well not always.
And then there are those special Tuesdays, like Christmas, when you know that the gift you want is under the tree, those Tuesdays, when an artist I love releases a new album. Those glorious Tuesdays when I can go out, grab it off of the rack, break through that annoying cellophane and hold the CD in my hands while I take the new songs in. Now I don't want you to get your hopes too high because as great as those Tuesdays are, regrettably there are some dress socks and underwear Tuesdays as well, but we won't talk about those, it's just too painful.
Well without further delay here is my effort to alert you about some of the upcoming Tuesdays (I even throw in a Thursday and Friday for ya) and also a list of what you can expect for the year to come. Of course I don’t have everything, but I do have what I consider to be the most significant releases. If you don’t already enjoy your Tuesdays like me, I hope this list will help get you excited.

Release the Sunbird (Zack Rogue) - Come Back to Us
Mat Kearney - Young Love
The Horrors - Skying Out
Jeff Bridges - Jeff Bridges
Mister Heavenly - Out of Love
Lenny Kravitz - Black and White America
Red Hot Chili Peppers - I’m With You
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Am I The Enemy
9/1 - (Thursday)
The Smashing Pumpkins - Oceania

Bush - The Seas of Memories
The Kooks - Junk of the Heat
Blitzen Trapper - American Goldwing
Staind - Staind
Kasabian - Velociraptor
Wilco - The Whole Love
Blink-182 - Neighborhoods

John Mayer - Born and Raised
We Were Promised Jet Packs - In The Pit of My Stomach
Mastodon - The Hunter
Puscifer - Conditions of My Parole
M83 - Hurry Up, We're Dreaming
Wolfmother - Untitled
11/11 (Friday)
Angels and Airwaves - Love II
Here is a list of TBD for 2011/2012 and quite a list it is. Start booking your concerts for the summer of 2012.
The Black Keys
Bloc Party (2012)
The Killers
Mumford & Sons (2012)
No Doubt
Pearl Jam (2012)
Ryan Adams (2012) - crossing my fingers on this one Tiff !!!
Tenaciuos D - Rise of The Phoenix
Van Halen w/ David Lee Roth
Delta Spirit
Dr. Dog
Frightened Rabbit
The Mars Volta
Queens Of The Stone Age
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